In My Brain While Sleeping… Taylor Swift Returns To SNL (And I Suggest A Skit!)

(I had this dream before I recently revisited New York.  That trip will be an upcoming tale I’m sure you will care less about than this trip.  You most likely don’t even care about this thing that happened In My Brain While Sleeping, and I’ve already lost you.  Have I lost you?  No…?  I guess if I lost you before reading this, you would have no idea I even cared that you were gone.  Because I do.  It helps my hit counter.  But I guess it counts as a hit whether you keep reading or not, so moving on…)

*Le sigh*

In this dream, singer (and now Actor!) Taylor Swift was making her second appearance on Saturday Night Live.

I was in the audience and a participant of the Try Out as a Comedy Writer Program.

I suggested a skit, and the producers ran with it.

The concept was this: Swift was trying to sell a baby on the black market to none other than Kristen Wiig (she’s like in every skit).

The lovely chanteuse messed up line the punchline about taking the baby for one million dollars, instead of selling.

Wiig’s character finally agrees, and Swift hands the baby over.  But the catch is that the infant has a tail (like that one baby in India), but it’s more like a boa.

A little bit of this mixed with a little bit of that...

I ended up meeting the baby later and it could talk, à la Baby Herman from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

That catch was he had a beard, à la Chippy from Tim and Eric’s Awesome Show Great Job!

A little bit of this mixed with a little bit of that...

WTF is wrong with my subconscious?