If Only This Really Existed… (BTW Happy Mom’s Day, Mom!)

The plan for celebrating today, a.k.a. Mother’s Day, is this:

  • Finish this post.
  • Call Mom and tell her to check out this post.
  • During phone call, tell her I hope she likes the Forever Postage Stamps I bought her, and let her know that while the leftover pizza I took from her home was fine, the macaroni and cheese had some mold on it.  I ate it anyway, yesterday, and I’m still standing today, sooo… Yeah, I also finished a four-year old box of Cheerios this morning and no gastric problems, sooo…
  • So, yeah, Mom, if you’re reading this – HAPPY MOM’S DAY!  And if the product in the video below actually existed, I would have surely bought you one, probably without asking the other three to chip in.  Probably.

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