Coinkydink Or Coinkydonk? Michael Cera’s Series Of Series

That outfit's kinda Kick-Ass...

Ever since Michael Cera’s breakout performance in Arrested Development, he’s seemed to become obsessed with series.  Because Arrested Development was a television series, you see.  Don’t believe me?  Check out these Coinkydinks (or Coinkydonks)…

Though not officially a remake, revision, or reboot (or whatever Hellywood wants to call unoriginal ideas), the main characters’ were named after the main characters in The Thin Man film series – Nick and Nora Charles.  Interestingly enough, The Thin Man films were also adapted into a TV show, but all of it was based on a single novel by pulp writer, Dashiell Hammett.

The movie is based on the first book in a series by C.D. Payne (which could be a pretty good Garbage Pail Kids name in more than a few ways).  Will there be sequels to the movie, though?  The youth revolted instead of seeing this one at the theater, so I’m going with no.

This film adaptation has yet to be released, and though I don’t think it will meet everyone’s tastes, I’m certainly looking forward to it.  Director Edgar Wright made Shaun of the Dead; he also made this flick.  ‘Nuff said.  But if there is more to be said, it relates to this overall post… the movie was based on a comic book series.

"He does seem to prefer series... and my costume!"

JusWondering… Flooded Bathrooms, Head Sizes, Spasms, And Dirty Words?

Just some things I’ve been thinking about the last 24 hours:

  • At the bar last night, someone left a faucet running.  It filled the sink and started flooding the floor.  I turned it off and alerted the waitstaff.  The waitress’ response, “Not again.”  This made me wonder: Are we so used to automatic water faucets that we don’t remember how to use the old ones?
Now... you grab what and pump how again?

Now... you grab what and pump how again?

  • I get an occasional twitch in my left thigh where my cell phone usually hangs around.  Should I change the pocket I carry my cell phone in?
  • I used to be pretty good at math, and I’ve always loved board games.  People used to tell me I should have went into statistics, but I thought that would have been boring.  Maybe I should have invented some new kind of puzzle game.
  • Brit pop star Lily Allen has a new CD out.  Kevin Smith’s latest movie just came out on DVD.  While I was at Target, I looked at the back of Lily’s CD and saw that she had a song called “Fuck You,” clear as day on the back.  Yet, Zack and Miri couldn’t have Make a Porno on it.  So a “Fuck You” on your back is better than a “Porno” on your front?
    "What's a p****, mom?" "A p**** is a video of people fucking, honey."

    "What's a p****, mom?" "A p**** is a video of people fucking, honey."

  • This song I heard on the radio last night as I was driving home reminded me of discovering new music in my college years:
  • Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist would have been better if Nick and Norah’s heads were in proportion to each other.  I’m not sure if Michael Cera’s head is too small or Kat Dennings’ chest head is too big.  (I’m thinking the prior.)
    Made me not-so-afraid of NYC... I watch too many 70's movies.

    Made me not-so-afraid of NYC... I've seen too many 70's movies.