Hibbidy-Wah?! How Much Bacteria Is In Us?!

Want to be grossed out?  Guess how much bacteria exists in the average human body?

The human body carries more than 100 trillion bacteria – up to five pounds of the tiny single-celled organisms.

Together, all of the bacteria in the body would be the size of a large liver, and in many ways, scientists say, the microbiome behaves as another organ in the human body.

So… the amount of bacteria in EACH OF OUR BODIES roughly equals this:

Too abstract?

Too abstract?

How about this?

Too tasty?

Too tasty?

Perchance this?

Too tempting?

Too tempting?

Maybe this will bring it home:

Too obsolete?

Too obsolete?

In Defense Of… Gross Things On Etsy

This should have been a Hibbidy-Wah?! post.  This could have been a JusWondering, or part of an Awful Battle, or something from InASense, Lost, but the thought crossed my mind to defend it.


(images after the jump as not to offend the casual viewer… Facebookers and Twitterers, I’m sorry… it’s too late…)

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InASense, Lost… Super Inappropriate Squirt Guns And Bonus Grossness

In the spirit of all things summer-y, I thought I’d whip out this classic gem of a toy (maybe I shouldn’t have said whip out).  Despite it pissing your parents off for creating quite a mess, the Oozinator may be the worst thing aimed at kids ever (maybe I shouldn’t have said aimed at kids).  Even the acting is highly inappropriate.  Things to take note of in this commercial (and quickly forget): the way the gun has to be charged and the reaction shots to getting blasted.

Okay, so maybe the Oozinator’s not the absolute worst in product design:



There are two words that I cannot hear without instantly being grossed out: cyst and polyp.  Add this video to the mix.  Believe you me, I’d rather watch 100 clips of girls and guys and single cups and broken bottles and egg chutes (well maybe not), than the entirety of the following footage ever again.